A Very Happy Birthday

Maya was so excited about her birthday. She spent the whole day singing "Happy Birthday to Maya!" It was a really fun day.


Crystal said...

What a great cake! Becca, you didn't tell us you were moonlighting for Martha Stewart! Happy Birthday, Maya!

1Crazymom said...

HA! That is funny. I have a 3-d Pooh bear cake pan that I had used for Jenny's 3rd birthday. Maya is really into carebears now so I decided to use the pan and turn it into sharebear. I had forgotten that you need a little more than 1 cake mix to fill the whole thing all the way so the poor cake had no feet, chopped off at the belly! She still liked it though!

Making each kid a special cake for their birthdays is the one crafty thing I do. I will have to post a pic of Brandon's dino cake later, I was really excited how that one turned out.

And I think YOU are the new Martha Stewart with your paint jobs on your walls! Those were awesome, in fact I was going to ask if you could post photos of your downstairs striped bathroom and the polka dot wall for me, I was trying to explain how cute they were but a pic is worth 1000 words! :-)

Crystal said...

Bec, I'm doing the chair rail at the top of the stripes this week. I was waiting to get that done (we already replaced the mirror) before I posted the picture...hopefully by Saturday I'll have it all done!

1Crazymom said...

YEAH! I'm excited to see the finished product! Show me what you replaced the mirror with also.

Boy this blogging sure is fun... how can we get the other girls going on this?